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Patient & Family FAQs
How does Last Writers' memoir-writing process work?
Please view our informational materials here to learn more.
How long are Last Writers memoirs? What kind of topics are covered?
Our memoirs are typically between 5,000 and 20,000 words (or 50-300 pages). The length and content is dictated by the nature of the patient-writer relationship, the level of involvement from family members, and what the patient and family are looking to accomplish. In essence, the memoirs are as long as the content provided to the volunteer. Standard topics we aim to cover in each memoir include: (1) a biography of the patient's live, (2) transcribed interviews between the writer and the patient and their loved ones, (3) dedications, letters, and reflections on the patient's life provided by willing family members and loved ones, and (4) a compilation of pictures and other media, and (5) a section authored by the patient, if they are themselves willing and capable, in which they are welcome to include their own story retellings, personal messages, or other writings. We highly encourage the patient and their family members and loved ones to contribute to the memoir as much as possible.
How can I or my loved one get involved with Last Writers?
There are several ways to get involved with Last Writers. If you are a hospice patient or are looking to enroll your loved one in Last Writers' memoir program you can speak to your local hospice staff at a Three Oaks Hospice location, our main hospice partner. If you or your loved one is unaffiliated with Three Oaks, enrollment in our memoir program is dependent upon several factors, including available resources and volunteers. Please contact us to introduce yourself and explain your situation. A team member will determine if you or your loved one is able to enroll and reach out with more information.
If you are interested in supporting Last Writers, our mission, and our growth, we will soon be accepting donations via our website.
I'm interested in having a memoir written about me or someone I know. How would I go about doing this?
If you are a hospice patient or are looking to enroll your loved one in Last Writers' memoir program you can speak to your local hospice staff at a Three Oaks Hospice location, our main hospice partner. If you or your loved one is unaffiliated with Three Oaks, enrollment in our memoir program is dependent upon several factors, including available resources and volunteers. Please contact us to introduce yourself and explain your situation. A team member will determine if you or your loved one is able to enroll and reach out with more information.
We're glad you loved your book! Since our organization is small and entirely volunteer-operated, we have limited capacity to correct minor errors and re-publish memoirs. To ensure the highest quality memoirs are published, we send digital manuscripts to patients and families prior to publication. Please do your best to communicate any errors to us during this revision period. After this review process, we do not usually correct errors and issue new editions. If you believe your memoir has a significant error that warrants a second look, please contact us and include the following in your message: the memoir title, the error, and where it can be found.
I received the complimentary copy of the book. I love it, but I noticed a few small errors. Can you fix them?
I love my or my loved one's memoir. Can I order more?
Absolutely! Visit our bookstore to purchase additional copies. Access to the bookstore is restricted to former patients, authors, and their families. Please refer to information provided by Last Writers around the time your memoir was completed for the necessary password or contact us.
Who presses Last Writers memoirs?
Last Writers memoirs are published through Barnes & Noble Press.
Can I donate to Last Writers, and is my donation tax-deductible?
We are currently working to accept donations via our website. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation in the meantime, please contact us.
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